The import and export of feature data associated with a given environment is possible on Flagsmith. The feature data that's exported includes multivariate features, but does not include other data that's associated with tags, owners, group owners, etc. It's useful for transferring features between any running instances of Flagsmith, even when only a subset of features (e.g., importing features of a given tag) are needed.
What is exported?
We will export the following data:
- Flags
- Flag States (both boolean and text values)
- Multivariate values and weights
We will not export the following data:
- Feature-based Segments
- Segment overrides
- Flag Metadata
- Flag Schedules
- Tags associated with Flags
- Individual and group owners associated with Flags
On the Export tab of the project settings page it is possible to export the project's features using the environment's values. Simply select the source environment from the drop down list and, if required, select one or more feature tags to filter the features.
By tapping the Export Features button the feature export should quickly process and a list of processed features exports is available at the bottom of the page.
Feature exports are available for only two weeks, so if an export is needed for a longer period of time be sure to make a local backup.
On the Import tab of the project settings page you'll find the feature import functionality complete with file upload at the bottom of the page.
The target environment is the environment to inherit the features of the exported environment. All other environments will be set to the values defined when the feature was initially created. Use with caution, especially when using with the Overwrite Destructive merge strategy.
Merge Strategy
Since a feature may have an identical name it's important to carefully select a merge strategy during a feature import.
The first option is the Skip strategy which allows an import to process a feature export and at any time a feature has a pre-existing feature present it skips the import for that given feature. For example, if a user is importing ten features but two of them were already there, only eight features will be added to the project. This strategy is best for organisations that want to hold onto their existing data as close as possible.
The second option is the Overwrite Destructive strategy. In contrast to the Skip strategy the Overwrite Destructive method clobbers over your existing features and it's important to remember that this is across all environments. This strategy is most useful only when every feature that was included in the export was vetted to be authoritative in the target project.